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学部・大学院でのゼミの議論を通して、 光・熱・空気のふるまいを巧みにコントロールできるカタチやカタ(住まい方)を発見・実践する研究に挑戦しています。
1970年 三重県津市生まれ(千葉県千葉市で育つ)
詳細は,日本学術振興会が運営する研究者データベース:researchmap に公開しています.
日本建築学会,日本デザイン学会,空気調和・衛生工学会,日本感性工学会,日本太陽エネルギー学会,日本公衆衛生学会,北海道自然エネルギー研究会,Low-Ex Net.ほか.
自然のポテンシャルを活かす建築(ハード技術)の性能を最大限に引き出すには, ハード技術と住まい手のライフスタイル, 住まい方・住みこなし(ソフト技術)とが上手く調和し, 地域の気候や風土に適合したバイオクライマティックデザインの視点が不可欠です. 光や熱の振る舞いを認識している住まい手は, 自発的な調整を行い、より高度な快を得る傾向にあることがわかっていますが, それらの情報を建築(ハード技術)にフィードバックすることも重要です.わたしは, 北海道(札幌)地域のもつ自然のポテンシャル(太陽光・澄んだ天空光・冷涼で新鮮な空気・多雪・上質な水など)を活かす建築とその住まい方の繋がりをテーマとしたバイオクライマティックデザインの研究・教育を展開しています.
以上は, 札幌市, 本学看護学部・大学院看護学研究科, AIラボ(A)との連携を視野に入れて「DNA研究」の基盤づくりを進めています.以下は,主な研究テーマです.
・「ヒト-自然共生都市・建築」系のモビリティに着目した生活環境向上に資する研究(MaaS:Mobility as a Service)
Professional Fields :
The International Solar Energy Society (ISES 1995) conference was held in Harare, Zimbabwe, and it was my first trip abroad. I was a graduate student (master student, age 24?) and wrote my thesis in English (it sounds cool, but I had my teacher correct most of it). Everything was new for me, but I was also surprised by many things!
Prof. Saito joined as an assistant professor Sapporo School of the Arts in 2001, and since 2007 he has been directing education and research in urban and architectural environmental design (mainly luminous and thermal environment) at the current Faculty of Design and Graduate School of Design, Sapporo City University. In 2003-04, he was sent to Cornell University as an overseas researcher by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT), where he joined the research project on the relationship among thermal environment, the specification of office chairs, and productivity in the ergonomics laboratory run by Professor Alan Hedge (currently Professor Emeritus).
His recent research theme is the study of human cognitive temperature, and he is developing a thermal environment design method that utilizes cognitive temperature, as well as research on the use of cognitive temperature to prevent heat stroke in summer and heat shock in winter. Saito’s research is not limited to the field of design, but has expanded to include research on improving the environment of hospital room spaces in collaboration with the Faculty of Nursing at Sapporo City University. In addition, since 2006, he has been involved in the design of the zoo building at Sapporo Maruyama Zoo, and has been promoting the design of the building environment with consideration for animal welfare (mainly improving the thermal environment). The zoo’s building design has been applied to the Reptile and Amphibian House (2011), the Asian Elephant House (2019), and the Orangutan House (2022). The results of above research have been applied to design activities in collaboration with architects in the Hokkaido. His project team has won the ABB Leaf Prize shortlist in the UK, the Good Design Award (2020) and the Wood Design Award (2020) in Japan.
As a first step in the “DNA Research” project, which is a collaboration of design (D), nursing (N), and artificial intelligence (A) at Sapporo City University, we have started a research project on improving residents’ PH (Positive Health) using MaaS (Mobility as a Service) in Atsubetsu Ward , Sapporo from 2021.
He is a member of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan), SHASE (The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan), and etc.
Academic Papers